October is a beautiful month to visit. You will find almost no tourists.
With an average daytime temperature of 21 degrees, it’s usually mild enough to make outdoors life a pleasure and the sea is still warm enough for swimming at least through mid-October. It's perfect for outdoor activities like hiking or biking.
With 500.000 olive trees covering the hills, the olive harvest defines October at Solta. Some trees are more than 1.000 years old! All olives at Solta are picked by hand and only first press, virgin oil is produced at the local mills.
Most families grow olive trees and produce olive oil. The olives harvest is in the fall, usually from mid- October to mid-November. Olive picking is a true social event and we were fortunate to be included already in our first year at Solta. The family Dobrinic invited us to join them and generously shared their knowledge and taught us about the productions.
In the fall, of fruit you will find the juicy pomegranate, lovely fragrant quinces, tasty tangerines and fresh almonds.